Practice Paper Computer Knowledge-Networking

Practice Paper Computer Knowledge-Networking Question Set-1
Question 1: Which one of the following operation is commutative but not associative?
1. OR
3. EX-OR
4. AND
5. None of these
 Answer: 2.

Question 2: The gain of the amplifier without feedback is 100. If 7% negative feedback is introduced in the circuit, then the gain of the amplifier becomes?
1. 100
2. 10
3. 1
4. 12.5
5.None of these
Answer: 4.

Question 3: In an LCR series a.c.circuit, if the resistance R is increased, then?
1. Impedance decreases
2. Phase angle increases
3. Impedance increases  
4. None of the above
5.None of these
 Answer: 4.

Question 4: Arranging data in a specific order is called?
1. Verification
2. Classification
3. Sorting  
4. Merging
5.None of these
Answer: 3.

Question 5: The resonant frequency of a series LCR circuit depends on?
1. C only
2. R only
3. L and C  
4. L only
5. None of these
Answer: 3.

Question 6: Convert FAFAFA in hexadecimal into octal
1. 76767676  
2. 76575372
3. 76727672
4. 676787672
5. None of these
Answer: 2.

Question 7: Which of the following manages the execution of user programs to prevent errors and improper use of the computer ?
1. Control Program
2. System Software  
3. Hardware
4. Program Manager
5. None of these
 Answer: 1.

Question 8: The overall flow of information among the various departments of an institution is the responsibility of?
1. The board of managers
2. System analysts  
3. Computer programmer
4. Computer operators
5.None of these
Answer: 1.

Question 9: In a transistor amplifier, if the current gain is 10 and voltage gain is 100, then the power gain is?
1. 100
2. 1000
3. 10
4. 10⁴
5. None of these
 Answer: 2.

Question 10: The updating of master files to reflect the effects of current transactions is called?
1. Direct processing
2. File Processing  
3. Flow chart
4. Front-end processor
5None of these.
Answer: 2.

Question 11: One or more operations performed on data to achieve a desired objective is called?
1. Database
2. Data processing  
3. Data collection
4. Data communication
5. None of these
 Answer: 2.

Question 12: Which one is NOT shared by the threads of the same process ?
1. Message Queue
2. Address Space  
3. Stack
4. None of these
5. None of these
 Answer: 3.

Question 13: Re-arranging data in a new sequence is known as?
1. Summarizing
2. Batching  
3. Updating
4. Sorting
5. None of these
 Answer: 2.

Question 14: The unit for inductance is?
1. Ohm
2. henry
3. farad  
4. metre
5. None of these
 Answer: 2.

Question 15: Which of the following is the expansion of EBCDIC?
1. Extended binary coded decimal information code  
2. Extended bootable computerised digital infrared calculator
3. Extended binary coded decimal interchange code
4. Extended bit comparable to digital interface for computer
5. None of these
 Answer: 3.

Question 16: The resultant voltage in an a.c. circuit is calculated by constructing the ___________
1. Scalar diagram
2. Vector diagram
3. Voltage diagram
4. Impedance diagram
5. None of these
Answer: 2.

Question 17: In a purely inductive circuit, the inductive reactance of an inductor gives?
1. effective current
2. effective capacitance
3. effective voltage
4. effective resistance
5. None of these
Answer: 4.

Question 18: In a transistor, if the emitter current is 1 mA, then the collector current is nearly equal to?
1. 2 mA
2. 1 mA
3. 0.1 mA
4. 0.5 mA
5. None of these
Answer: 2.

Question 19: What is the minimum number of NAND gates required to implement a 2-input EXCLUSIVE-OR function without using any other logic gate ?
1. 4
2. 3
3. 5
4. 6
5.None of these
 Answer: 3.

Question 20: In an a.c. circuit containing L, C and R, then the phase difference between the current and alternating emf depends?
1. Only on capacitance C
2. Only on inductance L
3. On L, C and R
4. Only on resistance R
5. None of these
Answer: 3.

Question 21: The unit for capacitance is?
1. Metre
2. Ohm
3. Henry
4. Farad  
5. None of these
 Answer: 4.

Question 22: A subnet has been assigned a subnet mask of So how many maximum number of hosts that can belong to this subnet ?
1. 62  
2. 14
3. 45
4. 126
5. None of these
 Answer: 1.

Question 23: The current gain is obtained from?
1. Output characteristics curve
2. Input characteristics curve
3. transfer characteristics curve
4. All of these
5. None of these
Answer: 3.